Why new GCs need workflow data (and how to get it)



Assuming the role of General Counsel (GC) in a new

organization can be an exciting but challenging endeavour.



For most – particularly those who are also new to the organisation
– the first order of business is to learn as much as possible about the team, the wider business and how the two fit together.


Assuming the role of General Counsel (GC) in a new organization can be an exciting but challenging endeavour.

For most – particularly those who are also new to the organisation – the first order of business is to learn as much as possible about the team, the wider business and how the two fit together.

However, for many GCs in new roles, there is no readily available source of reliable data to answer even seemingly simple questions such as:


– What work is the team doing?

– Where is it coming from?

– What is going well and where is room to improve?


In this blog post, we look at 5 questions GCs in a new role will be looking to answer and explore how a legal matter management system can help address the associated challenges.

1 How does the legal team currently spend its time?

When stepping into a new GC role, it is essential to understand the work your team is handling.


However, gathering reliable data can be time-consuming and challenging.


A legal matter management system enables you to centralize and streamline information related to ongoing matters, tasks, and responsibilities.


With a few clicks, you can access real-time data on the team’s workload, pending matters, and upcoming deadlines, providing a holistic view of team activities.

2 Where is our work coming from?

Knowing where legal work is originating is crucial for effective resource allocation and strategic planning.


A legal matter management system facilitates the tracking and analysis of the sources of incoming work.


By categorizing matters based on their origin, such as internal clients, external clients, or regulatory agencies, you can gain insights into patterns and trends. These insights can help you optimize resource allocation, allocate budgetary resources effectively, and identify opportunities for process improvements or cost savings.

3 How are we performing? Where can we improve?

Measuring performance and identifying areas for improvement are vital for any legal department.


Traditional methods such as manual data collection or relying on sporadic reports can be time-consuming and prone to errors.


By contrast, a legal matter management system automates data collection and analysis, allowing you to generate accurate and comprehensive reports effortlessly.


You can monitor key performance indicators and identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement.


This data-driven approach helps you make informed decisions to enhance the team’s efficiency and effectiveness.

4 How can we enhance collaboration?

As a new GC, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members is paramount.


A legal matter management system offers a centralized platform where team members can access and update relevant information.


Document repositories, task management features, and communication tools facilitate seamless collaboration, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

5 Are we on top of risk management and compliance?

Risk management and compliance are critical aspects of a GC’s role.


A legal matter management system provides a framework to identify, track, and mitigate legal risks.


Features such as compliance checklists, document version control and automated reminders can assist with adhering to regulatory requirements and internal policies.


Moreover, it enables the generation of audit trails, facilitating transparency and demonstrating compliance efforts to stakeholders.


When assuming the role of General Counsel in a new organization, it is crucial to understand the existing landscape quickly so that you have the insights needed to identify and resolve any challenges requiring immediate attention and start building your plans for the future of the team.


With the right system in place, you can quickly gain visibility into team activities, identify areas for improvement, enhance collaboration and track risk and compliance management.


Going forward, a legal matter management system will also help you to streamline processes, optimize resource allocation, and drive efficiency, enabling your legal department to thrive under your leadership.


If you want to learn more about how Tabled’s legal operations platform could help your team please get in touch or request a demo using the sign up form below.



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